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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma


Validation for integration and growth with EPALE

The 3rd VPL Biennale, a two day conference of Validation of Prior Learning for education and the labour market, took place on May 7 and 8, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. EPALE was there and interviewed some of the keynote speakers!

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Picture: The VPL Biennale

The VPL Biennale is about Validation of Prior Learning-systematics for lifelong learning, working and living. It’s about sharing experiences, information, knowledge, ideas and visions on VPL as an essential part of lifelong learning. And it is about the creative process of recognising each other’s successes, problems and solutions in ‘the global VPL-community’.

The 3rd VPL Biennale, a two day conference of Validation of Prior Learning for education and the labour market, took place on May 7 and 8, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. EPALE was there and interviewed some of the keynote speakers!

VPL Biennale aims at strengthening the platform for policy makers, practitioners, users, researchers and other stakeholders that are involved in further developing & implementing validation of prior learning.

This year the theme of the VPL Biennale was validation for integration and growth! Globalisation, digitalisation and migration are changing the way we work and learn. Increasing skills mismatches and the challenge to integrate all learners into work and education call actors from formal, non-formal and informal sectors to action.
The 3rd VPL Biennale focused on taking stock of what has been achieved in terms of policy development and implementation in recent years and how to move forward. EPALE coordinators from five different countries took part in different workshops and then conducted interviews with some of the keynote speakers. Click to the stories below:
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