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EU Green Week 2023 Partner Events

Profile picture for user EPALE Österreich.
EPALE Österreich

EU Green Week 2023 Partner Events Logo (lettering in green and gray with EU flag)The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Environment is launching a call for Partner Events to be organised around Europe and beyond during EU Green Week, from Saturday 3 June to Sunday 11 June 2023. Every year hundreds of organisations decide to join this big festival dedicated to promoting, debating and enjoying European environmental policies.

This year, Partner Events should be on the topics of skills for sustainable, resilient and socially fair communities.

Their objective should be to raise awareness and contribute to the public debate around this very actual topic. They may target the general public or specific stakeholder groups.

Partner Events are not bound to any format or style – it is up to their organisers to decide what suits their target audience best. The European Commission welcomes workshops, webinars, public debates, guided walks, awareness-raising events, exhibitions, social club activities as well as other possible set-ups. Partner Events can be organised in person, online or as hybrid events with in-person and digital elements. Whatever the format, Partner Events should be organised, ideally, in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner.

The EU Green Week Partner Events are not organised by the European Commission. Any views expressed by the organisers, speakers or participants in those events are their own and should not be regarded as official views of the European Commission.

Submission of applications for partner events is still possible until 15 March 2023.

More information about the partner events of the EU Green Week 2023 can be found here:

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