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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond



„Digital Readiness for European Distance Learning“ 2020-1-EL01-KA226-SCH-094685

Continuing adult education through the Erasmus program within the project „Digital Readiness for European Distance Learning“

Daniela Vasic
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

This is an Erasmus + KA226 strategic partnership of six schools located in countries across Europe: Greece, Portugal, Iceland, Serbia and Belgium. Its title is "Digital Readiness for European Distance Learning" and will last for 24 months. It started in March 2021. And it takes place in parallel on the Ethning platform. All partner schools belong to secondary education, most of the vocational. The teachers involved have experience in using ICT and distance learning.

The main goal of the project is to update the digital competencies of teachers and students of partner schools by introducing new web 2.0 tools, new software and methods that can be used for distance learning with quality and fruitfulness for the educational process.

From 27.9.2021 to 2.10.2021. The team consisting of teachers of our school Jelena Stojanović, Ivana Stanković and Daniela Vasić attended in front of the high school "Branko Radičević" the first training and coordination meetings in Reykjavik in Iceland at the school Menntaskolinn I Reykjavik. Vladimir Lalošević was present as the president of the Union of Employers of Vojvodina and the director of the company Center for New Technologies from Ruma. Its role is to connect economic aspirations in improving educational digital tools in the field of robotics as an IT company that will also be present and contribute to the implementation of training in our school for all partner countries.

The institutions involved shared their knowledge and experience in the use of ICT in education and jointly developed teaching materials. This teaching material will be tested in virtual, mixed, but also some regular classes and will be posted on the Twinspace project within the framework of E twinning and the blog so that it will be available to every teacher in schools and beyond. Training in the possibilities of the Team learning platform, Padlet, School computer system in Iceland was actively realized.

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