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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa



Boosting green and digital skills for adults - EPALE Community Conference 2023

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Boosting green and digital skills for adults - EPALE Community Conference 2023

The twin green and digital transition leads to fast changes in skills demand, learners’ expectations and delivery of education and training programmes. The challenges are numerous and manifold, from insufficient knowledge and evidence on the impact of greening and digitalisation on skills, competences and occupations, to the growing diversification of learning formats and opportunities. A greener, digital-savvy and inclusive future will not become a reality without well-thought-out, targeted and encompassing skills strategies and learning opportunities to support adults in this transition. 

This workshop, organised in collaboration with the European Training Foundation, will entail an exchange on the latest theoretical and practical approaches to skills-friendly management of twin transitions, exploring the role of the ALE community and providers, the interconnectedness between digital and green skills, as well as the role of career guidance services in securing faster and inclusive adaptation of adults to new skills demand and labour opportunities. 

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Fabio NascimbeniFabio Nascimbeni works as Human Capital Development Expert at the European Training Foundation (ETF), an agency of the European Union providing policy support to EU neighbouring countries for the reform of education, training and employment systems, where he mainly focuses on digitalisation and learning innovation. He is a Senior Fellow of the European Distance and eLearning Network (EDEN) and a Fellow of the CEST Centre of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and of the Nexa Centre of the Politecnico di Torino in Italy. Fabio has been active in the field of learning innovation and digital education for 25 years, collaborating with different universities and with international institutions such as the European Commission, the ILO and UNICEF. He has designed and coordinated more than 50 research and innovation projects across Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the South Mediterranean and South East Asia. His main research interests are open education, learning innovation, digital literacy, digital inclusion.

Marko Banković

Marko Banković is an Assistant Director in the Foundation Tempus from Belgrade, Republic of Serbia. He has been very active in the field of career guidance since 2007 when he established one of the first university career services in the country. Since 2013 he has been involved in numerous capacity-building initiatives in career guidance by coordinating the national centre of the Euroguidance network, as well as being the national expert in the CareersNet network, member of Europass Advisory Group and national policy development working groups.

Ola Issa

Ola Issa is the Country Director of DVV International in Palestine since 2017. She has been working for over 15 years as an adult educator. She holds a master's degree in pedagogy, instruction and curriculum design, and her professional experience includes training and mentorship of teachers, adult educators, women, youth, community leaders. 


Zoltán VárkonyiZoltán is one of the initiators of the Hungarian Association for Lifelong Learning and had a decisive role in developing the Network of Open Learning Centres in Hungary. He co-founded Progress Development Co., which also functions as a knowledge centre for basic skills teaching & learning. Progress accommodates the EBSN Secretariat in Budapest. Zoltán was a member of the EBSN Executive Committee between 2011-17 and the Head of the EBSN Secretariat between 2017-23, and he has served as Secretary-General since May 2023. 

Györgyi Csendes

Over the past ten years, Györgyi has been a senior advisor at EBSN’s acting secretariat, Progress Development Co. She participates in basic skill development projects for low-skilled adults, such as the Skills Guarantee, an upskilling initiative implemented within the Network of Open Learning Centres in Hungary or adapting the Swiss GO Model for workplace basic skill development. Most recently, she contributed to EBSN’s PDSeries in MOOC development and online facilitation.

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