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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa

Resource Details


First Steps Towards Employability

Profile picture for user SIU Emma Grainger.
Emma Grainger

This booklet has been produced as a result of a Grundvig Learning Partnership which brought together European adult education providers across 6 countries: Romania, Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Ireland.
The partnership participants deliver a range of programmes to learners, predominantly learners with low educational attainment. All partner organisations have similar aims namely:
(1) The delivery of quality educational programmes in conjunction with the development of individual and social skills.
(2) To re-skill and up-skill learners to face the challenges of a changing employment market.

The booklet contains tips and guidence for learners on CV writing and interview skills. 

Resource Details
Autor del recurso
Project Team
Tipo de recurso
Estudios e informes
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