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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa


Environmental and Climate Protection in Adult Education on Site: Best Practice Projects

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Wendelin Bücking

In the project Climate protection on site, new strategies in adult education were developed with the aim of motivating local people to do more climate and environmental protection. It was about a combination of theoretical input in the context of workshops but also practical experience of initiatives and projects, which are already implemented locally. Of particular interest is the cultural and climatic differences in the participating countries and how they deal with the issue of environmental and climate protection and which strategies they develop. It was also important that in the context of the project sustainable networks were tied, which enable a professional and personal exchange as well as the possibility of mutual learning beyond the project.
    As part of the project, about 40 people from the adult education sector dealed with the topic of environmental and climate protection. In this way they picked up the topics in their networks and thus broadened them. As a concrete result of the project, we present you this guideline with best practice projects of the participating organisations: Environmental and climate protection in adult education on site.

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Autor del recurso
Dr. Wendelin Bücking
Tipo de recurso
Estudios e informes
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