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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa

Event Details

10 Jul

Employment and Skills Convention 2019 – Beyond Brexit: A future that works for all


Despite unemployment levels maintaining a record high, those who are in employment or are developing skills still face many challenges. Many people are stuck in low-wage jobs, or face issues gaining employment due to disabilities. Even though the significance of lifelong learning is becoming more apparent every day, there are still nine million adults who lack basic literacy or numeracy skills and these people face the greatest hardships as their employers are resistant to invest in them and develop their skills base further.

With the uncertainty of Brexit causing attention to be deflected from other important issues, this event will focus on employment and skills beyond Brexit, and the challenges faced now and in the future. Big questions will be asked, focusing on:

  • Universal Credit and the government’s main reform of the welfare system
  • The technical education system, how it can be built for the future and how high quality apprenticeships can be delivered
  • Supporting progression at work and helping people to move up from low-wage jobs and build more skills
  • Making lifelong learning more accessible and considering what the National Retraining Scheme can do to prepare people for advanced technology changes
  • The future of devolution, its impact on employment and skills and how to build inclusive economies
  • Closing the disability employment gap, reviewing good practice in welfare to work and suggesting ways the government can help those with disabilities find work

The Learning & Work Institute logo.

This event is ideal for stakeholders, experts and policymakers in the fields of employment, skills, health and welfare. Learning & Work Institute members can enjoy a discounted ticket when they register for the event online and get first access to the range of sessions, latest news and announcements.

A variety of sponsor and exhibitor packages are available. Delegates can also choose to submit a presentation by 30 April, to share best practice with others from skills and employment support.

Tickets come at a range of prices and are as follows:

  • Exhibitor package (two included) – free
  • Early private sector rate – £312
  • Early private sector rate for L&W supporters, members of AELP, ERSA, GUAC, IEP – £240
  • Early reduced rate for public, education, charity, voluntary and NfrP – £222
  • Early reduced rate for L&W supporters, members of AELP, ERSA, AoC, GUAC, IEP and HOLEX – £150

All tickets qualify for a 5% discount when 5 tickets are purchased at once. Early booking discount closes on 23 May 2019.

There also various sponsorship packages at a range of prices. These can be viewed by accessing the promo brochure on the event page. 

Event Details
As planned
Tipo de evento
Sitio web del evento
Tipo de organizador
Otro evento
Organiser name
The Learning & Work Institute
Datos de contacto
Cantidad de asistentes
> 200
Grupo objetivo
Redes y organizaciones dedicadas al aprendizaje de adultos
Propósitos y objetivos
To consider employment and skills and how to help those who are stuck in low-wage jobs, or face issues with gaining employment due to disabilities, to find better employment opportunities. The event will see beyond Brexit and focus on issues with employment and skills that have been forgotten during this time of political upheaval.
Precio de la inscripción

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Últimos debates

Marcial Pamies Berenguer
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Explorando el concepto de persistencia en la educación de adultos

¡Únete a nuestra conversación sobre un tema vital en la educación de adultos! Exploramos la persistencia del alumnado - un viaje lleno de retos únicos.
¿Eres un adulto retomando tus estudios, un educador apasionado por el aprendizaje continuo, o simplemente interesado en la educación? Queremos escuchar tus historias y reflexiones.
Comparte tus experiencias, consejos y preguntas. Juntos, podemos descubrir nuevas formas de apoyar y motivar a los estudiantes adultos en su recorrido educativo. ¡Participa en esta importante discusión!

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