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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

EPALE Newscast Episode 5.

Dear EPALE members,

as you may know, on May 9th the European Year of Skills has finally been launched, and it's all about adult learning!

To celebrate this occasion, on 5 June we will have a special newscast for diving deep into the topic of upskilling and reskilling the workforce with a guest of honour: Ann Branch, Head of Unit for Skills and Jobs at the European Commission. Her role is a capital one when it comes to delivering the objectives of the European Year of Skills, as her unit directly oversees the activities and the policy outputs of the EYS.

► Watch the newscast on 5 June or re-watch it later here!

► Did you miss the previous episodes? Watch them here on our brand new EPALE Newscast section!


Join the EPALE Community Stories Initiative!

EPALE Community Stories: Thomas Edesa.

This story by Thomas Edesa is just one of the inspiring contributions that our members have shared as part of the 2023 EPALE Community Stories Initiative.

For this year's edition we are asking how you, adult learning professionals, imagine the future of adult education.

► Read all the stories!

► Share your own story!

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