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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


REMCO-Upskilling counselling workers for remote, online services provision

Elena Lechiancole
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

REMCO is an Erasmus+ KA220 project, which aims to make available a curriculum with corresponding Open Educational Resources (OERs) for the continuous professional development of mental health workers, to address the emerging occupational & skills needs related to the provision of remote counselling services.

These OERs include a pool of pedagogical resources, including a train-the trainer handbook, educational instructions and learning materials.

The trainer handbook has been conceived to:

•    support trainers involved in VET provision, aiming to maximise the efficient use of REMCO materials for contextualised learning.

•    assist training trainers in designing or incorporating the learning units developed in current training programs

The Learning materials and the REMCO MOOC are available on the project website in English, German, Italian, Greek, Croatian, Romanian and French.


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