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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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NSS Turkey Digital Citizenship Awareness Workshop for Marmara Region

Funda DAĞ

The Two days long Marmara Region Workshop with the theme "Citizenship education and digital citizenship" for adult education was held in Hotel Anatolia in Bursa. 

The aim of the meeting is to carry out the following objectives within the framework of the theme “Citizenship Education" designed for the months March-April-May within the scope of the EPALE project. In all activities planned throughout the workshop, the aim is to increase the knowledge and skills of the participants on the concepts of citizenship and digital citizenship, as well as the positive and negative aspects of their attitudes and behaviors especially in the context of technology in view of their perception of good citizenship in their daily lives and work lives.

Although some of the participants were IT educators, media and information literacy and digital citizenship activities and presentations were highly appreciated. For the responsible citizen and the responsible community, workshops on similar subjects can provide much more benefit for different field trainers.

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Resource author
Funda DAĞ
Type of resource
Studies and Reports
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