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A nationwide survey of psychological distress among Chinese people in the COVID-19 epidemic: implications and policy recommendations

İhsan Çağatay Ulus
Community Hero (Gold Member).

"The COVID-19 epidemic has caused serious threats to people’s physical health and lives. It has also triggered a wide variety of psychological problems, such as panic disorder, anxiety and depression. The main purpose of this study is to measure the prevalence and severity of this psychological distress, gauge the current mental health burden on society, and therefore provide a concrete basis for tailoring and implementing relevant mental health intervention policies to cope with this challenge efficiently and effectively.

Findings of this study suggest the following recommendations for future interventions: (1) more attention needs to be paid to vulnerable groups such as the young, the elderly, women and migrant workers; (2) accessibility to medical resources and the public health service system should be further strengthened and improved, particularly after reviewing the initial coping and management of the COVID-19 epidemic; (3) nationwide strategic planning and coordination for psychological first aid during major disasters, potentially delivered through telemedicine, should be established and (4) a comprehensive crisis prevention and intervention system including epidemiological monitoring, screening, referral and targeted intervention should be built to reduce psychological distress and prevent further mental health problems." 

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Jianyin Qiu, Bin Shen, Min Zhao, Zhen Wang, Bin Xie, Yifeng Xu1
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