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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Learning Pack: Counting on a Greener Scotland

Profile picture for user Jodie.
Jodie Crossley

Counting on a Greener Scotland (COGS) is a learning pack that aims to provide opportunities for learners to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of numeracy, in the particular contexts of weather, climate change and energy. The pack offers a range of numeracy related learning activities and pointers to further, external resources to enable learners to consolidate and broaden their existing knowledge and understanding, and apply skills these in ways that will help them improve key areas of their lives.

Updated November 2013 with additional resources in a new Section 6.

Produced by The Workers’ Educational Association and Heather Reid, in collaboration with Education Scotland.

Resource Details
Resource author
Education Scotland
Type of resource
Open Educational Resources
United Kingdom
Publication Date
Language of the document
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