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The Global Single and Regulated Market Framework of Financial Products and the International Economic Policies: Mathematical Approach of the Model

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This research paper examines whether and how much the regulations through the Community Directives and Regulations at European level as well as the laws which govern Money and Capital Markets in the United States helped, strengthened, protected the international financial system, if other markets were developed by moving transactions and if they contributed to the change of the world economic circles. The investigation of the impact on investors and national jurisdictions, namely, whether they are protected and whether all the factors in the system are affected, has concluded that the realization of a actually international single regulatory framework for all financial products is far away from reaching its ultimate and realistic achievement. However, the theoretical existence of a unified regulated market framework and model of organized markets, as long as, with a set of regulatory, organizational and economic policies that will shield it up to the point of a balanced regulation, offering equal information to the participants, with less transaction costs and thus increased transparency, liquidity and reducing market abuse cases and manipulation, is proved as feasible and can be implemented.


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Resource Details
Resource author
Athanasios Panagopoulos
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