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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Flexibility and Access in Basic Skills: The Workplace as a Context for Boosting Participation


The annual conference of the European Basic Skills Network was held online in 2020. The aim of the conference, entitled ‘Achieving Upskilling Pathways’, was to address the challenges posed by the recent events and follow up new developments in EU policy (EU Skills Agenda) and the results of implementation efforts of the Upskilling Pathways recommendation. The three-day event consisted of thematic workshops with presentations, followed by discussions and by interactivity on a number of platforms (e.g. Virtual Marketplace, Project Generation Facility), which were available for further dialogue, networking, partnership-building among participants.

Alex Stevenson, from the Learning and Work Institute, introduced the employer engagement projects in England that address basic skills for employment on the second day of the conference. 

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Alex Stevenson
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