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EBSN Annual Conference 2013 - Workplace literacy programmes in New Zealand - answering policy questions

Profile picture for user Zoltan Varkonyi.
Zoltan Varkonyi

This presentation is given on the Annual Conference of the European Basic Skills Networks (EBSN) in Madrid in 2013. The title of the conference is ‘Opening doors - Developing partnerships for basic skills training beyond the classroom’.

In the presentation answers can be read to the following key policy questions of the workplace literacy programs (WLPs) in New Zealand.

  • Are WLPs feasible?
  • Are WLPs sustainable?
  • How do we run WLPs effectively?
  • Do WLPs recruit non-traditional learners?
  • Are WLPs economically realistic?
  • Do participants improve their literacy skills?
  • What other impacts do WLPs achieve?
  • Do participants improve their workplace practices?
  • Are the changes related to changes in literacy skills?
  • How significant is the potential contribution of WLPs?
  • Will WLPs solve ‘the literacy problem’?
Resource Details
Resource author
John Benseman, Departure of Education Unitec Institute of Technology Auckland, New Zealand
Type of resource
Studies and Reports
New Zealand
Publication Date
Language of the document
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