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COVID-19 Resilience Plan for the post-16 sector: Guidance for Blended Learning

The Welsh Government's blended learning guidance for Post-16 providers is a collection of material developed in consultation with the Welsh Government's Blended Learning Working Group. It includes guidance on blended learning for learning providers and teaching practitioners. 

This Guidance for Blended Learning document provides blended learning guidance for further education institutions, work-based learning, and adult learning in the community partnerships in Wales.


As stated in the Covid-19 Resilience Plan for the Post-16 sector, the Welsh Government’s intention is to work with the post-16 sector:

  • to ensure that learners can access appropriate resources and support
  • to build capacity to deal with future social distancing guidelines
  • to support the increased use of digital and blended learning, in line with the Welsh Government’s Digital 2030 strategic framework



The Welsh Government's Blended Learning Working Group includes representatives from Joint Trade Unions, Estyn, Jisc, NTfW, ColegauCymru, Qualifications Wales, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, National Centre for Learning Welsh, Further Education institutions, Work-Based Learning providers and Adult Learning in the Community partnerships.

Resource Details
Resource author
Welsh Government | Llywodraeth Cymru
Type of resource
Opportunities and Resources
Publication Date
Language of the document
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