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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Resource Details


AUTHERAPIES - Revolutionizing Autism Education through Evidence-Based Therapies

Florian Gallo
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

Logo of the project.

The general objective of this resource from the project AUTHERAPIES is to lay the foundations that allow us to know what are the criteria that establish which therapies are effective or not based on the scientific evidence available to date. This knowledge will allow knowing what competencies it is necessary to achieve by the target groups in order to make informed decisions about the therapies available for ASD. 

The specific objectives would be: 

-Have an exhaustive review at European level of the existing evidence in order to generate training content, a guide for professionals and other interested groups and an accessible database. 

-That this evidence can be accessible by health professionals, educators and other interested groups. 

-That this evidence is available to researchers and scientific staff in Europe. 

-That citizens and all interested groups can learn about AUTHERAPIES, its development, objectives, results, etc., in a fast and accessible way.

The open database collects all the information collected on evidence-based treatments for autism in an organized and accessible way. The results of the database will be used later in the project AUTHERAPIES for the creation of this course. A list of skills to be acquired from the course will also be drawn up, aimed at generating criteria regarding therapies and support for people with ASD. 

As intangible results, it is expected to achieve an improvement in the skills and knowledge of people with autism, family members and professionals about evidence-based therapies, as well as an awareness of their importance in the prognosis and quality of life of people with autism. person. Another intangible result translates into the encouragement and promotion of the inclusion and participation of people with autism in decision-making about their treatments. Finally, on the part of the partner members of the project, an in-depth knowledge about evidence-based therapies will be developed.

evidence based database.

example of data base.

Resource Details
Logo of the project.
Resource author
Autherapies project
Type of resource
Studies and Reports
Publication Date
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