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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Organisation Details



YAEDA (Youth and Adult Educational Association) is formed in 2021. in Požarevac, Serbia, by three teachers. The aim of the Association is to offer courses and additional educational tools to students and people of Požarevac and Braničevo county in various fields, from creativity, over multiculturality and history, to lifelong learning, ecology and sustainability. We believe that these important topics are neglected by current educational system in Serbia and we want to change that. We are highly motivated to inspire people to change, young people and adults from marginalized groups in the first place. Currently we have seven people in the staff of the organization with 6 of us being teachers and one speech therapist, but since we are working in several different schools in our hometown (elementary and middle schools) we can include in this project our colleagues who specializes in different areas, so we have great potential and big pool of specialists in various subjects.
One of the reasons that we founded this organization was doing various project adult education sector. Five of our staff members being (part time) teachers in an adult education in primary school meant that this would be one of the cornerstones of our project activities.

So far we had 2 Erasmus+ projects that focus on empowering adults to realize that they need to constantly improve and expand their competences, in order to succeed in real world. Both projects were huge success within the adults that we’re working with, and that led us to expand the area of operations with this project.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Valid organisation

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