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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB)


The VNB is an officially acknowledged state-wide adult educational institution in Lower Saxony / Germany, and as well an umbrella organisation with a network of more than 200 adult educational member organisations and co-operation partners.
Major topics of VNB educational work are of public, social and political interest, such as migration and integration, sustainable development, family and health education, gender and LGBTI* education, global learning, and many more. Apart from its own educational work, the VNB gives financial, organizational and professional support to local associations working at these issues. VNB has a wide range of transnational experience, promoting own projects as well as participating in European project co-operation programmes, i. e.: Community Initiatives EMPLOYMENT-HORIZON, EMPLOYMENT-INTEGRA, EQUAL; European Social Fund (ESF); INTI: Integration of third country nationals; Livelong Learning (GRUNDTVIG, LEONARDO DA VINCI) and Erasmus+ Programme; preparatory measures combating social exclusion. The VNB has a special interest in developing innovative initiatives for a diverse and inclusive education, addressing adult learners as well as staff members in adult and vocational education. With its 50 professional staff members in 6 regional and 1 head office the VNB is undergoing a permanent and systematic quality management with regular checks and audits.

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Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider

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