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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Organisation Details

University of applied sciences of Southern Switzerland, SUPSI – Department of economics, health and social sciences, DEASS


The DEASS is the Department of economics, health and social care of University of applied sciences of Southern Switzerland - SUPSI.

It offers basic learning in nursing sciences, physiotherapy and ergotherapy, social work, economics and postgraduate courses and applied research.

The DEASS develops as well projects within its research unit.

The main strategic axes of interest and project partnership are developed upon:

  • public health and citizenship;

  • measuring quality of health activities and performances;

  • management of services and structures/organisations;

  • didactic innovations in health vocational training and sectoral professional profiles and competences;

  • competences in the social and health sector (f.i. for older people assistant and for disdvantages target groups);

  • applied health technology;

  • Socio-political topics;

  • professional profiles and competences in the social and health sectors.

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Research organisation or a think-tank
National, Regional or local government organisation
Adult education provider

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