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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Organisation Details

Regional Development Foundation


Fondatsiya za regionalno razvitie (FRR) (in English - Regional Development Foundation - RDF) is a non-profit organization, established for the benefit of the general public in 2000. The main objectives of the organization are to support the development and promotion of moral values, civil society, education, science and culture and to help the development of disadvantaged regions in Bulgaria. It operates both in Sofia and in Vidin. RDF acts as an independent informal training provider at the local, regional, national and international levels. It cooperates with different civil society organizations, NGOs, educational establishments, public authorities, community organisations, business organizations, mass media representatives, youth networks and many others. The Foundation carries out a number of initiatives, related to lifelong learning. Each year, FRR supports the policymakers at a regional level, initiates citizen's dialogues, and organizes information campaigns and other events, aiming to raise awareness about the EU, its impact on daily lives, its benefits for the citizens and to promote the EU policies and priorities at the local level. The organization currently hosts the Information Centre Europe Direct (EDIC) - Vidin, Bulgaria. The mission of the centre is to provide local citizens with information, advice and answers to their questions about EU institutions, legislation, politics, programs and funding possibilities; to strongly stimulate local and regional debates on the EU and its politics.

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