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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Organisation Details

Pučko otvoreno učilište "Ante Babić" Umag (Public Open University of Umag)


Pučko otvoreno učilište „Ante Babić“ Umag (Public Open University Umag) is a public institution located in Umag (Croatia), founded by the City of Umag. The institution has over 65 years of experience in adult education.

Pučko otvoreno učilište "Ante Babić" Umag provides formal educational programmes like elementary school, vocational school programmes, specialized courses and trainings, language courses as well as informal programmes. The University of the Third Age is part of the institution since 2003 providing a great variety of informal programmes for senior citizens. Our target groups are adult learners over the age of 14. With the offer of our programs, we respond to the very different needs of individual target groups. We adapt the programmes to their needs, and based on them we determine the goals, contents and choose methods and forms of work.

The institution has experience in international cooperation and partnerships and has participated into 5 projects funded by the European Social Fund. It has realized 2 Erasmus+ KA1 projects and 1 KA2 Erasmus+ project - Strategic Partnership for Innovations, particularly focused to the development of digital skills and innovative teaching methods. Since 2023 the institution is an ERASMUS-accredited institution in adult education. 


Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
Organisation ID (OID)
Accreditation Code
Erasmus accreditation in adult learning
Accreditation for an individual organisation
Valid organisation

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