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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Pere Tarres Foundation


The Pere Tarres Foundation is a non-profit educational and social action organization with over 55 years of experience dedicated to promote leisure time education, volunteering, improvement of social interventions and empowering Third Sector. We are based on Spain with 2.000 workers and over 261.000 beneficiaries.



1) Higher education (Bachelor's degree on Social Education and Social Work - University Ramon Llull) and training of professionals and volunteers in leisure time education and social action.

2) Studies and training in welfare assistance and healthcare for elderly, disabled people, children at poverty risk, drug addictions, migrants, women and other vulnerable groups.

3) Training programs in management, marketing, volunteers management and assessment for non-profit organizations.

4) Analysis of educational and training needs, impact indicators, new methodologies and approaches to tackle social exclusion, and studies on inclusion of vulnerable groups.

5) Socio-educational programs on childhood, adolescence and families within formal and non-formal education (promotion of entrepreneurship and volunteering, struggle against gender discrimination, and so forth). We are also a federation of a 200 leisure time education centres and 20 daily centres with children.


We have experience in European Projects, such as DAPHNE, Leonardo, Erasmus, Grundtvig, ESF, etc.

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