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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Carabanchel-Madrid


The Carabanchel Official School of Languages (EOI Carabanchel) is a public funded education centre which belongs to the network of Official Language Schools  in the Autonomous region of the  Comunidad de Madrid, where the capital city of Spain is located.
Our school is situated in Carabanchel, a multicultural neighbourhood.
Five languages are taught: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish for foreigners. You can get an official certificate in all the five languages with its correspondent equivalent in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
You can also learn English with the program 'That's English' a blended course which combines online learning and weekly classes.
In our school there are about 2200 students that come to the face-to face classes, plus over 800 from the That's English program, which only come once a week.
Our students are mostly adults that have an interest in improving their knowledge of the language and culture of the country. We would welcome any European citizen granted by the ERASMUS+ program to come and join us for any stay (long or short)
As a school, we are also open to taking part and collaborating in joint projects with other European groups, schools, NGOs and Associations that deal with adult education for life, aiming at improving the students social and work skills. 

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National, Regional or local government organisation
Adult education provider

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