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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Organisation Details

Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Axarquía


We are a school of languages for adult education, and we are looking for partners for job shadowing and hosting teachers in training. We teach English, French, German and Arab for students aged 14 and above. Looking for a multilingual partner in a unique cultural setting? Contact us! 

We are taking part in our Erasmus programme with a lot of enthusiasm and eagerness. We think that we have a lot to learn and also a lot to offer. We are looking for partners in this adventure, do you feel like sharing the same path?

Our centre is located in Axarquía (Málaga), on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and at the foot of the mountains. We have the best weather in Europe and joy of living. 

We are dedicated to teaching languages to adults. And it is much more than teaching a language, it is about transmitting culture and opening the mind to other ways of conceiving the world. 

It is an essential part of our work to integrate the different sensibilities, needs and realities of our students, seeking to complement our experience with all the tools at our disposal, both in terms of technology and emotional development.

We are eager to share everything we believe we can contribute with: our teaching experience, the management of emotions in the classroom, the use of new technologies and, above all, our passion for teaching. We are also looking for organisations to host our teachers for job shadowing as a way of updating our methodology and linguistic and cultural skills.

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