DOREA Educational Institute
DOREA Educational Institute (ID number: E10032547 / PIC number: 948488893) is a not for profit organisation established in 2012 in Limassol, Cyprus. It offers training solutions for people in need as well as working professionals throughout Europe. DOREA is the largest training provider of ERASMUS+ courses offering services in 12 European countries. In the last 8 years alone DOREA has delivered more than 50 courses under LLP & Grundtvig IST (the predecessors of ERASMUS+) and about 600 courses around Europe (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Czech Republic, France, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, United Kingdom) under ERASMUS+ programme.
DOREA organises NEST.TEACH – the annual event that brings together hundreds of educators from all over the Europe for five days long event hosted in Cyprus and Spain. NEST.TEACH primary goal is Networking and Educational Skills Training for Educators.
Project experience:
Since 2012 DOREA (ID number: E10032547 / PIC number: 948488893) implemented 53 projects within ERASMUS+ programme KA2, KA1 and KA3: 14 projects as a project coordinator (host organisation), and 39 projects as a project partner (sending organisation). We have hosted around 600 project participants in our projects. The full list of DOREA Educational Institute projects can be seen below.
DOREA staff has a vast experience in management and financial management of complex projects co-financed by the EU, and specifically in the areas of preparation of strategic documents, tenders, agreements and proposals, the financial management and monitoring, as well as, coordination of suppliers, and partners, among others, dissemination of the results. Staff members were/are involved in programmes such as ERASMUS+ KA1 and KA2, HORIZON 2020, INTERREG, FP7, MEDA, LLP, Life+, YIA, ESF, MED, ENPI MED.
DOREA is also open for collaboration in ERASMUS+ KA1, KA2 and KA3 projects as well as other programmes (e.g. H2020, INTERREG, Europe for citizens).