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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

CPIA4 Torino


Our educational offer includes different courses: First Level First Period, for the achievement of the final diploma of the 1st Cycle of Education; literacy courses and learning of the Italian language; Italian language learning support for study; II level education paths and expansion courses (Italian for driving, foreign languages, IT, CILS Italian linguistic certification, preparation course for social health workers test). The offer also includes extracurricular activities activated with National Operational Program (NOP) or projects within the institute with the support of associations or local  authorities on topics such as inclusion and diversity, civil rights, environmental sustainability, digital transformation, welfare and citizenship. The institute is aimed at young adults who have reached the age of sixteen or to adults who have not acquired the basic competences related to compulsory education. It is also aimed at those who wish to re-enter education and obtain a secondlevel secondary qualification or improve and update their skills and competences. Particular attention is addressed to the enrichment and reinforcement of basic skills and new knowledge that can encourage active participation in social life. The profile of the learners is that of people without compulsory basic education, with little schooling or with foreign qualifications that are not recognized in the country. The CPIA4 Torino includes the administrative headquarters of the school institution and 6 teaching locations. Each location has service delivery points distributed in the surrounding localities. The school started its Erasmus+ activity in 2022 by submitting the first KA122 project, which was granted and is currently ongoing. CPIA4 Torino has also received accreditation in 2024. It has also experience as a partner in a KA1 consortium. 

Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation ID (OID)
Accreditation Code
Valid organisation

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