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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Organisation Details

2nd Kindergarten of Peania


Our kindergarten is located in Peania, a small town near Athens. It offers easy access to Athens International Airport and social and cultural attractions. Our kindergarten is known for the projects it develops internationally, nationally and locally, as well as for the quality of its educational process. The children have received national and European awards. We have 60 children aged 4-6 years attending the basic program (8: 00-13: 00) while 25 of them continue the full day until 16.00. There are 4 teachers, of which the principal. Our kindergarten curriculum is based on play activities in all fields of study designated by the Greek Ministry of Education such as Language, Mathematics, Science, Arts, Physics and Physics. In recent years we have introduced to our teaching and Robotics enthusiastically welcomed children, Facilities: 3 classrooms, dining and kitchen, very large outdoor playground, teacher's office and large activity room ● All classrooms are for teaching activities and are suitable for the special mental and physical development of children.Outdoor activities: environmental tours of parks and forests, visits to museums, art centers and theaters.

Our school has participated in Etwinning programs and has received national and European labels. In recent years he has participated in the European Code Week. This year he will participate as a partner in a KA229 project submitted in Greece.

The main characters that will participate in the play are Evangelia Triantafyllou and Roxani Georgoula. They are kindergarten teachers with more than 20 years of experience with young children. Evangelia is the coordinator of the Erasmus + program at our school and will coordinate the Erasmus + program for the first time. She loves digital teaching, environmental education, innovation and the use of educational technologies in teaching and learning, integrating them into the classroom. Participates in various national and European eTwinning projects characterized as a coordinator and collaborator. There is also another kindergarten teacher involved in this application. Roxani Georgoula, a kindergarten teacher with a love for everything innovative and digital. Both participated in a European Space Agency (ESA) seminar.

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