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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


The online discussion on Basic skills learning provision is going on today!

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Editor

EPALE focus: Basic Skills Learning Provision.

The next online discussion will take place on this page on 16-17 September between 10:00 and 16:00 CET and will be moderated by EPALE Thematic Coordinators of EBSN Graciela Sbertoli (Secretary General of EBSN) and Tamás Harangozó.

Ensuring basic skills for all is a necessary step to enable societies to combat current and future social, health, environmental and economic challenges, and to implement policies effectively in order to support the sustainability of European societies and economies and promote a healthier planet. Basic skills are transversal. Not only are they relevant to educational policy, but also to employment, health, social and environmental policies. Building cohesive policy measures which support people with basic skills needs is necessary not only to make Upskilling Pathways a success, but also to help build more resilient and inclusive societies.

The discussion on 16 and 17 September will include the following topics:

  • critical literacy
  • health literacy
  • financial literacy
  • numeracy
  • basic digital skills for the future.

Please join our online discussion on Basic skills learning provision!

Comments are open so you can introduce yourself and post your comments in advance.

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Profile picture for user Marusa.
Marusa Mohoric
Thu, 09/10/2020 - 08:58

Razprava bo na posebni razpravni strani potekala v angleškem jeziku, saj gre za panevropski dogodek, na katerem sodelujejo izobraževalci odraslih iz vse Evrope. 

  • Če vam razumevanje angleškega jezika predstavlja izziv, si lahko pri spremljanju razprave pomagate z vmesnikom Google Translate in tako pridobite prevod v slovenski jezik. (Pri tem upoštevajte, da je orodje, še posebej pri prevajanju strokovnega izrazoslovja, nekoliko "nerodno"). Če bi želeli sodelovati in prispevati vaš komentar v angleškem jeziku ali pa zapisati vprašanje, se lahko za pomoč obrnete na
Vabljeni k sodelovanju! 

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