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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Make the most of EPALE by logging into your account. This will allow you to rate and comment on content, and it will give you access to our full range of features.


Dear EPALE colleagues,

the EPALE Community Conference is approaching and we would like you to give you some tips on how to participate.

The conference will be a public live streaming event and you will be able to watch all the keynote speeches and panel discussions on 6-7-8 October 2020 without need of any registration. On the other hand national panels on 6-7 October and workshops on 7-8 October will be open only to EPALE users and accessible only after registration as participants are limited.

You can follow the live streaming of the conference and ask questions in real time by posting comments on the EPALE Facebook page or on the EPALE website at the following pages for each day:

► Day 1 - 6 October - Digital Learning & Skills: Managing change, embracing transformation.

► Day 2 - 7 October - Joining forces to provide lifelong upskilling: building stakeholder collaboration

► Day 3 - 8 October - Social Inclusion & Democracy: Opportunities for change

You can also post your questions to the conference speakers in advance by posting comments on the pages of each keynot speeches and panel discussion that you can find on the conference page.

We're looking forward to (virtually) meet you at the conference!



Make the most of EPALE by logging into your account. This will allow you to rate and comment on content, and it will give you access to our full range of features.