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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

19 Nov

unionlearn’s Supporting Learners event in Newcastle

United Kingdom, Newcastle

unionlearn will be holding one of several Learner Support events in Newcastle in November 2019. These events will deliver the same agenda, but focus on different UK regions and draw together union learning reps and unions to discuss how best to engage learners and promote learning.

unionlearn logo.

The main aims of the event are to:

  • share experiences and ideas
  • provide updates concerning workplace learning and skill building initiatives in the Northern region
  • discuss apprenticeships
  • discuss wellbeing
  • consider digital and functional skills
  • describe new resources and tools of benefit to unionlearn reps
  • pay particular attention to specific resources, including Career Kickstart, Value My Skills online and Careerzone
  • consider the National Retraining Scheme


Delegates are advised to book their places early to avoid disappointment. unionlearn remind delegates that they are unable to reimburse travel costs that may be incurred. It is also advised to sign up to unionlearn and / or the Climbing Frame to get updates on events as they arise.


Time: 10:30-15:30

Date: Tuesday 19 November 2019

Location: Life Science Centre, Times Square, Newcastle, NE1 4EP


For any further information, please contact Andy Moss at


View the London event here.

View the Leicester event here.

View the Exeter event here.

View the Manchester event here.

View the Sheffield event here

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Event website
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Contact details
Andy Moss at
Number of delegates
< 100
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Aims and objectives
To allow unions and unionlearn reps to share ideas and experiences, and encourage learners to engage with the learning experience.
Attending fee
Themes addressed

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