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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Professional Training for Hairdressers


630 hairdressers in Mardin were trained about hair design model and painting technique. The training was organized by Mardin Barbers and Hairdressers Chamber of Tradesmen Craftsmen. 630 hairdressers from Mardin, Şanlıurfa, Diyarbakır, Batman and İskenderun were joined to training. After training 5 trainee were choosen for practical demonstration, and these trainees applied their learning on their friends. 

The president of the Mardin Barbers and Hairdressers Chamber of Tradesmen Craftsmen Ibrahim Pordogan stated "We brought the well-known expert hairdressers to Mardin and provided professional training to our hairdressers. The trained hairdressers presented their works such as Turkish flag designed ship, butterfly and palm". 




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