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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

27 Aug

NVL: Workplace learning: Need for new competences?

Sweden,  Malmö
Ida Pedersen

Workplace learning: Does it call for new competences

Workplace learning: Does it call for new competences?

From Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL): 

Join the conference and explore new paths for working with internal competence development and learning at public and private workplaces.

The conference is based on a series of Nordic development and research projects conducted over the past 10 years.

Common for these Nordic research and development projects is that they are:

  • Collaborative, participant-driven, and rooted in practical challenges within workplace learning. The project participants have actively contributed to developing the necessary competencies to address their practical challenges.
  • Guided by a ‘Nordic approach’ to learning and internal competence development in both public and private organisations.

We invite you to acquire knowledge and contribute to the development of new learning initiatives at the workplace

Practical information

  • Contact person: Maria Marquard (
  • The conference will be in English and Scandinavian languages.

It is free to attend the conference, as it is funded by the Nordic Network for Adult Learning, an organisation financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Participants are expected to pay for their own travel and hotel expenses in connection with the conference.

Read more about the conference and register here

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Organiser name
Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL)
Attending fee
Themes addressed

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