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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

21 Oct

Myth busting European Project Management for VET Mobility

Ireland, Dublin
Tomas Bulnes

Léargas are hosting a Myth busting European Project Management for VET Mobility. This thematic Contact Making Seminar aims to promote Erasmus+ quality project management in Irish and European VET organisations, share ideas and good practice from peers on what works well and what steps are involved in a good project management, create awareness of the transformational benefits that mobility projects can have on VET organisations and facilitate the establishment of new partnerships.



The event will be aimed at staff, particularly senior staff in VET organisations with experience organising Erasmus+ VET Mobility projects or other international projects. Newcomers to the Erasmus+ Programme are also very welcome to participate of this opportunity to learn from more experienced colleagues.


More information: 
Pelase see this video for more information or contact Tomas



To apply, please complete this form

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Contact details
For more information contact Tomas at
Number of delegates
< 100
Target group
Adult learning networks & organisations
Projects & partnerships
Attending fee

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