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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



A meeting between EPALE Ambassadors and Representatives of the WMTA Institution for Vocational Adult Education Banja Luka

Profile picture for user n00aa1w4.
Marina Novkovic
Community Hero (Gold Member).

On April 8, 2024, a productive meeting was held between EPALE ambassador Marina Novković and representatives of the WMTA Institution for Vocational Adult Education in the premises of the WMTA Institution for Vocational Education of Adults Banja Luka. 

The main goal of this meeting was to promote the EPALE platform as a resource of vital importance for the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the field of adult education. The meeting started with the opening words of the EPALE ambassador, who presented the key features of the platform, emphasizing its importance in connecting professionals from the field of adult education across Europe. Representatives of the WMTA Adult Vocational Education Institution presented their perspectives and needs regarding adult education, highlighting the challenges they face and looking for opportunities for cooperation. During the meeting, participants actively shared their experiences and ideas on how to improve access to adult education through various forms of education and cooperation. The EPALE ambassador presented examples of good practice that were available on the platform, while representatives of the Institution for Vocational Education of Adults presented their plans for future projects and initiatives. 

The meeting ended on a positive note, with mutual optimism and motivation for further cooperation in order to improve adult education in the region. We hope that this meeting is just the beginning of cooperation between EPALE and the WMTA Institution for Vocational Adult Education, with the aim of creating a sustainable and inclusive educational environment for all adult participants.



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