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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

20 Feb

Intelligent Automation tools

Belgium,  Brussels
Profile picture for user n00f949h.
Alejandro Espinosa
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The workshop is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of IA and its applications in modern businesses. 

It covers various topics such as the fundamentals of IA, ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, hands-on experience with IA tools, implementation strategies, future trends, practical use cases, and impact evaluation. 

Participants engage in group discussions, case studies, hands-on demonstrations, problem-solving sessions, and reflection activities throughout the workshop. 

By the end of the program, participants gain insights into the significance of IA, learn how to navigate ethical challenges, acquire practical skills in using IA tools, and develop strategies for successful implementation and evaluation. The workshop aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to leverage IA effectively in their respective industries.

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Organiser name
Training Academy, S.R.L.
Entrance fee
560 euros
Registration capacity
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Aims and objectives
Introduction to IA.
Ethical considerations and governance.
Hands-on experience with IA tools.
Implementation strategies.
Future trends in IA.
Real-world use cases.
Evaluation and metrics.
Future-proofing businesses.
Networking and collaboration.
Expected (learning) outcomes
Deep understanding of intelligent automation and its components.
Proficiency in cutting-edge technologies like AI, ML, and RPA.
Recognition of automation's potential for business transformation.
Preparedness to address ethical considerations in automation.
Skill in identifying and implementing automation solutions.
Learning from real cases and applying best practices.
Anticipation and adaptation to future automation trends.
Strategic integration of automation with business objectives.
Empowerment to lead automation initiatives.
Commitment to continuous learning for staying updated on automation advancements.
Recognition / certification of participation
Certificate provided by Training Academy, the educational training center situated in Rome and accredited by the Lazio Region.
Attending fee
AI Tools Brochure.
Themes addressed

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