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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

31 Mar

How do we teach adults to read and write therefore improving their life chances?

United Kingdom, Glasgow

“3.6 % of Scots face serious challenges in their literacies practices.” (SSAL) 2009.

Diane Gardner, City of Glasgow College Adult Literacy and Community Senior Lecturer

This hands-on seminar will be delivered by City of Glasgow College Adult Literacy and Community Senior Lecturer, Diane Gardner who will highlight how a synthetic phonics based reading and writing scheme can help native English speaking adults and those from an ESOL background learn to read.

City of Glasgow College are now in partnership with BBC Learning’s Skillswise to further develop phonics as a learning tool by creating suitable and relevant resources to help reduce the number of those who cannot read or write in the UK today.

Event Details
As planned
Event type
Professional development event
Event website
Organiser name
University of Glasgow
Registration URL
Contact details
Number of delegates
100 - 200
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Attending fee

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