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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Newscast - The third episode will bring you the latest in ALE!

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EPALE Editor

It’s becoming a monthly rendez-vous! EPALE and the Lifelong Learning Platform are joining forces to deliver the third episode of the EPALE Newscast, the short news broadcast to keep you company during your lunch break, on 3 April at midday.

What about it?

This edition of the Newscast will get you ready for the month highlighting the strength of the EPALE community. EPALE is most of all a community of dedicated educators and citizens committed to advancing adult learning and education. Where is this journey taking us? 

When and where?

This - and so much more! - is coming to you live-streamed on the first Monday of every month until the end of the year - so go ahead and save the date for 3 April at 12.00 pm (CEST)!

Are you already committed to adult learning and education somewhere else at that time? Worry not, for the EPALE Newscast will remain available for you to watch (and rewatch!) on the platform, ready to keep you updated on the latest news in the world of adult learning and education.

Missed the last one? You can watch it and rewatch it here

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Profile picture for user David LOPEZ.
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Thu, 03/30/2023 - 16:13

Excellent outil pour rester informé sur toutes les nouveautés en Europe sur l'Education des Adultes, autant du point de vue des ONG ou de la société civile que des institutions Européennes

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