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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



EBmooc plus – open online course for adult educators

Profile picture for user coneduaustria.
CONEDU Austria
EBmooc plus Logo.

EBmooc plus is a massive open online course (MOOC) at that covers all important aspects of adult education in a digital age. The course is quality-assured, flexible, free to use and based on Open Educational Resources (OER). While tools are still an important aspect of EBmooc plus, topics like "online didactics", "security and privacy", "critical media literacy" and "change of job profiles" have been added compared to the first generation of the course in 2017/18.

The course comprises a total of nine modules and is expected to take approximately 34 hours to complete. This does not include time spent participating in webinars or reading additional material. The content is designed to make working in adult education in a digital age more colourful, more effective and, above all, easier. Upon successfully completing the course, participants can download a certificate that is accredited by the Austrian Academy of Continuous Education (wba).

CONEDU Austria

Video: CC-BY 4.0 CONEDU #ebmoocplus20

EBmooc plus is suitable for adult eductors looking for an online course...

Participants who enjoy self-organised online learning, have the opportunity to do so with EBmooc plus. Each week, a new module, consisting of short videos, written instructions and a self-test quiz, is made accessible. The individual learning speed and amount of content covered every day is open to the participants' preferences.

...and for educators who want more than an online course

Those who also want to include face-to-face meetings in their learning experience, can join accompanying groups offered by several partner organisations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and the Italian province of South Tyrol. These accompanying or transfer groups are structured in such a way that smll numbers of participants meet face-to-face and discuss for example how the course contents could be made applicaple in their daily working life.

For adult educators in need of a digital starting-kit...

EBmooc plus is the ideal course to go straight to all the essentials regarding digital teaching and learning. The contents have been chosen according to real needs of adult educators and adult education institutions. Several topics will be discussed during the course: digital transformation and its potentials for the field of adult education, the use of digital learning tools, learning arrangements, privacy and data protection, critical media literacy and open educational resources.

Throughout the course participants will work with easy-to-use technology. Therefore, only very basic computer skills are required in order to take part successfully.

...and for adult educators who already completed EBmooc 2017 or 2018

EBmooc plus is well suited for those looking for a digital upgrade. Apart from basic information, many of the modules offer deeper insight into new, innovative technologies as well as additional links and information. Participants who have already completed EBmooc 2017 or 2018 can skip three modules and receive an upgrade certificate.

As the whole course is organised in modules, there is also the option for participants who do not want to complete all nine modules to receive a partial certificate for the modules they have completed.

For institutions looking for specific training for their team...

EBmooc plus is a great way to spice up internal training programs: institutions that want to strengthen the digital know-how of their team can organise a closed transfer group. In addition to taking part in the online course, employees can use the group meetings to work on the practical applications of the course contents in their institution.

...and for institutions who offer education on digital topics

The course materials offered within EBmooc plus are licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0): this means that everybody can share, reuse and rearrange them for free as long as they follow the license conditions. Therefore the whole online course can be integrated in an existing training program for educators. Also, certain parts of the course can be used and remixed with additional contend.

Further information:

Author/Editing: CONEDU

Picture: CC BY-ND 4.0 CONEDU #ebmoocplus20

EBmooc plus is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

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