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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


COMSUS meeting: Harnessing the Power of Sustainable Communication

Profile picture for user v00g5n6r.
Klaudia Sadurska
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Comsus meeting.


Today (27th of June), the COMSUS conference brought together partners from all over Europe to shape a sustainable future through impactful communication. 

Here are the key highlights:

  • Project Overview: a comprehensive overview of the COMSUS Project and the WP4 objectives, outlining our ambitious goals.
  • Sustainable Communication Manual: introduction of the manual on "Sustainable Communication for HEIs," offering actionable insights on fostering sustainability within higher education.
  • Panel Discussion: Experts from HSW, KBS, and Lusofona explored "The Power of Social Media in Shaping Sustainable Futures," discussing how social media drives sustainability initiatives within HEIs and sharing global trends and success stories.
  • Building Effective Messages: we had a session on creating impactful sustainable messages for HEIs, emphasizing the importance of clear and effective communication.
  • Breakout Sessions: Participants engaged in breakout sessions to craft their sustainable messages for social media, receiving valuable feedback and guidance from experts.

About the project

The COMSUS project, initiated in response to the Directive 2013/34/EU, focuses on strengthening the capabilities of higher education institutions (HEIs) to promote sustainable development through effective communication. In a time of anthropogenic climate change and global inequalities, COMSUS emphasizes the urgency of sustainable communication. By leveraging social media, the project aims to foster resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies. The COMSUS project aligns with the European Green Deal, the European Skills Agenda, and the European Pillar of Social Rights, making it a cornerstone in the promotion of sustainability within HEIs.


We invite you to check out our project's Facebook page.

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