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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

19 May

Arabic Language Course at EXPO 2024

Profile picture for user n00fud39.
Jean Pierre Vaillancourt Cassar

Come meet our Arabic Language Educator at the upcoming Public Service Expo 2024. Whether you're an absolute beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, our educator is ready to provide personalised guidance and support tailored to your learning objectives.

Explore a wealth of information about our Lifelong Learning Courses, designed to cater to learners of all levels and backgrounds. Discover the comprehensive curriculum, resources, and flexible learning options available. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to ask questions. Lifelong Learning Courses offer a pathway to success.

Don't miss out on this chance to discover how our courses can empower you to achieve your goals. Join us at the Public Service Expo 2024

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
NSS event
Hybrid event
Attending fee

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