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"Activating Future Leaders of Community Sustainability in Europe" training in Greece

Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

The project "Activating Future Leaders of Community Sustainability in
Europe" (2022-2-DK01-KA210-SCH-000096834), funded by the Erasmus+ programme, is designed to address the
pressing need for skilled leadership in sustainable development within the
European community. Involving young adults from Denmark and Greece, this
initiative aims to train them as ambassadors of community entrepreneurship
for the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). The project is distinguished
for its integrated approach, which combines educational objectives with
actionable community engagement strategies to promote sustainable change
across European societies.
In March 2024, a key element of this initiative - a focused training programme
in Larissa, Greece - took place. Twenty ambitious young adults participated in
this session to enhance their understanding of SDGs and develop practical
leadership skills necessary for leading community-driven sustainability
projects. The training emphasized hands-on activities, collaborative learning
and cross-cultural exchanges, equipping participants with the tools to become
effective leaders and change agents in their local environments.

Program Objectives and Framework
The primary objective of the training was to cultivate a cadre of SDG
Community Entrepreneurship Ambassadors, equipped with both the
theoretical understanding and practical skills necessary to implement
sustainable practices within their communities. Over the course of the
program, participants engaged in a blend of lectures, workshops, and
collaborative projects, each structured to foster a deep, actionable
understanding of sustainability issues.

Training Dynamics and Educational Goals
Diversity and collaboration were the pillars of this program, which featured a
balanced mix of participants from Denmark and Greece. The educational
goals were strategically set to enhance the participants' comprehension of
sustainability, develop robust project management skills, and encourage
effective cross-cultural collaboration. Through a dynamic array of activities,
the program sought to instill essential leadership qualities and problem-
solving skills, preparing participants to become proactive agents of change in
their respective regions.

Innovative Activities and Methodological Approaches

The methodology adopted was distinctly participant-centered, focusing on
interactive and experiential learning. Techniques such as digital quizzes on
platforms like Kahoot, role-playing scenarios, and peer-led project planning
sessions were employed to ensure high engagement and retention of
concepts. These methods were complemented by analytical group
discussions, where participants were encouraged to debate and devise
solutions to real-world sustainability challenges, thereby enhancing their
critical thinking and public speaking skills.

Program Outcomes and Participant Feedback
The feedback from participants highlighted the program's success in
achieving its educational objectives. Notably, the hands-on project sessions
were particularly effective, with participants developing comprehensive
sustainability action plans. These projects not only demonstrated the
participants' ability to apply theoretical knowledge but also reflected their
commitment to initiating community-based sustainability efforts. Reflective
evaluations highlighted the program's impact, revealing significant growth in
participants' leadership capabilities and their understanding of global
sustainability frameworks.

Challenges Encountered and Future Recommendations
Despite its successes, the program encountered challenges related to the
ambitious scope of its activities within the limited timeframe. Future iterations
could be enhanced by extending the duration of the training, thus allowing for
more in-depth exploration of topics and additional practical experiences, such
as visits to successful sustainable enterprises in the region. Moreover,
integrating direct interactions with sustainability experts and practitioners
could provide valuable real-world insights and further enrich the learning

The Larissa training program represents a pivotal step forward in the field of
sustainable education within Europe. The effective merging of educational
excellence with practical application, made the program to not only meet but
surpass its goal of preparing future leaders equipped to tackle environmental
challenges. As these leaders return to their communities, they bring with them
the skills, knowledge, and inspiration to drive forward the agenda of
sustainable development.


Disclaimer: EPALE is a community platform with user-generated content. All user-generated content is provided as-is. The European Commission and NSS Greece does not endorse any views, opinions or advice expressed by users to this platform.

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