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Using Theatre Methods to Build Group Coherence: The Bodywise – Wise Bodies Methods in Action

How theatre methods can contribute to bonding, group building and developing emotional safety in work teams.

Julia Braunegg

The Power of Theatre Methods in Team Building

Theatre methods have long been recognized for their ability to foster group cohesion and build strong, empathetic connections among participants. These methods are particularly powerful in settings where non-verbal communication plays a crucial role, such as in training sessions for marginalised groups.

I recently conducted a workshop that illustrates the power of theatre methods in the context of team building.

The Workshop Experience

The Situation: Due to external factors, a group of six people working in the field of alternative child and youth care were tasked with starting a programme for a group of children at very short notice. Some of these individuals had recently been hired, while others had been employed with the organisation for a long time. They met for the first time in this constellation the morning of the workshop, with the arrival of the children scheduled for less than a week later. For the new hires, this was their first day at a new workplace.

The task was to get to know each other and define the details and processes of how they wanted to work together—fast. After all, they would soon be raising a group of children together for the foreseeable future.

What we did: I started the workshop with an introduction to the agenda, and we dove straight into theatre exercises, moving outdoors to a meadow. After a physical warm-up, we proceeded to explore the space, one another, and the movement of the group through a series of exercises from the manual: The group, an opening, and then the lead and follow and mirror exercises.

Some of these exercises required participants to get out of their shell, affirming themselves by saying they are the most wonderful person in the world, then affirming others similarly. One of the most powerful moments of connection was reached as participants led and followed, for some time even with closed eyes. This exercise made participants explore fear, trust, and responsibility for the other, as well as getting out of their comfort zone with strangers.

The group then used the rest of our time together to successfully define all the details of how they wanted to work together, not only in terms of logistics and process but also in terms of values and mindset. 

Feedback from the group: Their feedback at the end was that the time spent on theatre methods at the beginning successfully fostered a sense of connection, empathy, and group cohesion, demonstrating the transformative power of these exercises in building strong, supportive teams.

About the project Bodywise - Wise Bodies

The "Bodywise-wise bodies" project was a collaborative effort involving partners from Estonia, Italy, and Austria. The primary aim of this Erasmus+ project was to develop and explore various art and theatrical methods to enhance body awareness among trainers working with marginalised groups.

Key Elements of the Project

Enhancing Communication: Given that non-verbal cues account for 80% of communication, the project emphasized the importance of trainers developing strong sensing skills to better understand and respond to the needs of marginalised individuals.

Preventing Burnout: By focusing on profound listening and body awareness, the project aimed to help trainers maintain their mental and physical health, thus preventing burnout.

Cross-Border Collaboration: The project encouraged the exchange of ideas and methods across borders, allowing for the development of innovative techniques and tools that trainers could use to improve their well-being and effectiveness.

During the project, we aimed to enhance trainers' skills and competences related to body awareness to build meaningful connections with people from marginalised communities.

One of the main outcomes of the project is the Bodywise – Wise Bodies manual: a practical guide to using the methods explored in the project. Additionally, a number of videos and audios were created to explain some of the methods in a more immersive way. The methods explored in the project come from the fields of mindfulness, theatre, dance, and Social Presencing Theatre.

If you would like to learn more about the Bodywise – Wise Bodies project and its outcomes, find the website and the manual in English, Italian, and Estonian here:

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