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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Meet our project - INDEED - Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region

INDEED is a collaborative, transnational initiative to improve dementia care by developing and piloting an online learning course about dementia.

The INDEED project has created an educational and skill-building intervention for multiple occupational groups involved in dementia care. Through enhancing the capacity of professionals for optimally dealing with the medical, psychological, interpersonal and organisational challenges associated with dementia the project aims to improve the quality of life of people living with dementia and their informal (family) carers. The three components of the intervention (education, integration, innovation) respond to three major gaps that exist in dementia care in many countries of south-eastern Europe:

  • lack of dementia-specific knowledge and skills among professionals involved in dementia care,
  • poor interprofessional collaboration and coordination,
  • absence of key services such as day care, home helpers or carer support.

The intervention is available in a traditional format (workshop materials) and as an online training platform.The online training platform comprises 3 modules: an interdisciplinary training (CAMPUS), a networking tool (CONNECT), and a business consulting service (COACH). Through the existing multilingual educational programme, its modular structure and the convenient multimedia online format, the INDEED project is ideally suited to provide professionals with suggestions and solutions how to maintain the quality of life of people with dementia, how to intensify interaction and collaboration and how to adapt and innovate service delivery in times of social distancing and lockdown.

The project has also a 6 months extension that will be ended by December 31, 2021.

The ambitious aim of the project extension is to complement, within 6 months, the existing INDEED educational intervention by a chapter on the management of dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in times of social distancing and lockdown abd is in line with the “EU response to COVID-19” (2020) which emphasises the need for supporting “experts training” (

The extension chapter will focus on: the specific needs of people with dementia brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic and how to meet them; the specific needs of family carers; the requirement of more intensive interprofessional communication, collaboration and coordination; the creation of alternative ways of service delivery in times of restricted face-to-face contact and consultation including good-practice examples.

Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region
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