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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



How to enrich the user experience of cultural institutions through digital solutions

Tool, methods and solutions that support the design process

Profile picture for user mdybala.
Małgorzata Dybała

A presentation on tools and methods to help museums, galleries, and other cultural institutions enrich the user experience through digital solutions. The seminar aims to broaden the range of techniques and tools used to design and implement solutions (not only digital) to enrich the user experience of cultural institutions.

Ways to enrich the user experience of cultural institutions

We will present solutions that support the design process, from the development of initial ideas to the critical analysis of finished projects. We will explain the concept of the hybrid experience and what to look out for when designing. The event will also address the use of data collected by digital tools and the issue of interpreting this data to understand user behaviours and needs.

The presentation will answer questions such as:

  • What has to be done to make the user experience of cultural institutions more personal and meaningful?
  • What does it mean to focus on experiences rather than technology?
  • What is a hybrid experience?
  • How do we use visitors' knowledge and needs when designing digital solutions? 
  • How can analogue experiences be creatively used to create digital learning environments?

The meeting will be hosted by Dr Marcin Szelągan art historian, museum educator and curator, and assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts Education and Curatorial Studies of the University of Arts in Poznań. Ambassador of EPALE.

An English version will be available during the presentation.

Please join us on 20 October at 12:00   13:30 at this link:

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