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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



ECONOMY FOR LIFE, A Project to Improve the Financial Education of the European Young People

Young people will learn about macroeconomics, microeconomics, finances, business and civil contracts through an easy method adapted to them.

Profile picture for user n00dxj43.
José Casares
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

The ‘ECONOMY FOR LIFE’ project focuses on improving the financial education of young Europeans aged 18 to 30, in order to respond to the lack of training in this area, as it arises from the need to motivate the lack of this target group and the little education they receive in this regard, according to various studies such as the PISA report. 

This project is expected to achieve the following objectives:

  • To provide life-skills education for young people. To improve the situation of young Europeans. This is the main objective of the project: we hope that the ECONOMY FOR LIFE project will help young people to mature, to improve their financial skills, to know how to manage their resources, to integrate the values of the European Union and to participate in the improvement of European society.

  • To make the didactic resources created available to educational institutions (universities, vocational schools and colleges) and governmental institutions (city councils) interested in their application at local level in the partners' cities, in order to give sustainability to the project and to reach our target audience.
  • Collaborate in new ways and ideas for further projects to develop the ECONOMY FOR LIFE project, such as the creation of another more advanced economics course, broadening the range of concepts of the present project, developing new areas or deepening the existing ones.

The collaboration with transnational partners will be essential to enrich the project from the beginning and over time. This consortium of partners will be formed by Neotalentway as partner in Spain, leading and supervising all project activities, managing budget, time and website design; Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna in Lodz, Poland, responsible for Quality Control and Evaluation; and Action for the Civil Society as partner in Greece, responsible for project dissemination and research surveys. The partnership is formed by the common alignment of objectives and purposes related to the education and training of young people, as well as in their concern to form citizens aware of the current challenges.

All partners involved in the project are specialised in the training and education of young people, with the common aim of fostering entrepreneurship, improving employability, providing opportunities for those in economically disadvantaged situations and promoting the values of the European Union. These general objectives will be met through the ‘ECONOMY FOR LIFE’ project, which has as its immediate objective the financial education of young European adults.

The objectives of the project will be achieved through the following activities or outputs:

  • A training handbook containing:

  1. Introductory guide to orientate the participant.

  2. Theoretical block divided into 5 areas: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Finance, Business and Labour and Civil Contracts.

  3. Series of 25 case studies applied to real life. 

  4. Glossary of 60 economic concepts. 

  • Multimedia content: 60 short videos that develop the economic-financial concepts and topics covered in the course. All content will be supported by a website designed by the partners.

If you want to know more about this project, follow us on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, You Tube and Tik Tok), and visit our website:

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