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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


A virtual tour of the EPALE Community Conference

If you want an overview of the upcoming EPALE Community Conference, get in the mood, and taste a bit of its flavour, follow us on this virtual tour!

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EPALE Editor

A virtual tour of the EPALE community Conference

The next EPALE Community Conference will be held on 18, 19 and 20 October 2022. Would you like to know what to expect from these intense three days? Do you want to have an overview of its contents, but also get in the mood, and taste a bit of its flavour?

If so, you’re in the right place: follow us for a deep dive into the Community Conference online events!

A conference weaved by a common thread: Imagine!

How can we reflect on our present, draw on our past, and mould our future in moments of crisis, such as the one we are living in? Challenges can seem paralyzing, both in our personal and professional lives.

That’s why the EPALE Community Conference calls for the power of imagination, to help us rethink the present, unlock new possibilities, and create a better future. We challenge our EPALE community – you! – to step out of their comfort zone, and try to imagine: new creative solutions, new innovative practices, new futures.

Through the lens of imagination, the Conference will look at the four themes that EPALE have been exploring throughout 2022: Learning Communities, Young Adults, Skills Revolution, Culture and Creativity. For each theme, we offer a dynamic and thought-provoking plenary session, freely accessible online via EPALE, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and a not-to-be-missed interactive workshop, with limited seats available (to participate, you need to register).

Let’s take a deeper look at the programme and its highlights!

18 October

Learning communities

On day one, we will explore the multiple ways that communities can be shaped through and around learning.

Our first beacon through this path will be Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti, scholar, educator, Indigenous and land rights activist. In her keynote speech, she will look at the limits of modern education, while at the same time trying to imagine other educational paths that value attitudes such as kindness and responsibility.

The morning will continue with a dialogic exchange on education, community and memory, which will analyse our present through the lens of the past, focusing on the value of memory in building communities.

Finally, it will be time for you to experiment with the empowering potential of non-formal and informal education experiences in enriching communities and making a path of lifelong learning flourish. Register for the workshop Community-based practices for empowerment!

19 October

Let’s now take a look at the second day of the Conference – a very intense one, where the morning and afternoon both have plenty of inspiring events and activities!

Young Adults

What better way to start such a full day than with the energy of young people? Europe needs their active participation, and their ability to imagine the future. Focusing on youth activism and civic skills, EPALE wants to give a voice to their views.

İlayda Eskitaşçıoğlu is a young activist, scholar and changemaker: through her voice, you will have the chance to hear a bright example of youth civic engagement for social justice.

We then invite you to grab a cup of coffee, and join an informal conversation on young adults’ participation and citizenship: younger generations can play a crucial role in a post-pandemic perspective, if they are encouraged to participate in decision-making processes.

But how can young people find the spaces, tools and inspiration to become full and active citizens? You will have the chance to discuss this and other related issues during the workshop Speak your voice! Free your future! Make sure you secure a place!

Skills revolution

After a lunch break, be ready for another round of inspiring sessions! The learners as unique individuals at the centre of their own dynamic upskilling and learning journey, will be the focus of our reflections.

A book talk with Fabrice Jaumont, award-winning author of Conversations on Bilingualism and The Bilingual Revolution will open the plenary session with an exploration of the empowering potential of language.

It will then be the turn of active members of the EPALE community, who will share their practical experiences in motivating learners to take up learning opportunities.

Next, if you want to challenge and test our ideas on education and learning, the best way to end the second day of the Conference is to participate in the workshop Aligning skills and motivation for human-centred learning. You’ll get to know the theories behind this concept, and explore how to apply it in practice.

20 October

Culture and Creativity

To close a conference devoted to imagination with a confident and positive impulse toward the future, we will explore the power of creativity and culture to connect people and spread beauty.

Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, in his keynote speech, will take us on a fascinating journey into the creative thinking process advocating for creativity as a universally accessible democratic discipline.

How can this process be reflected in concrete practices? Don’t miss the following EPALE talk, to get to know different examples where a specific artistic expression, such as theatre, can become a bridge between cultures to enhance social inclusion.

After all this food for thought, it's now your turn to engage with culture, art, and making! The final workshop of our Conference will guide the participants through the tools and techniques for creating their own GIFs, using cultural heritage materials. Secure your place, by registering for the workshop!

There are many ways to attend the conference: on EPALE, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

There are also lots of different formats, for every taste: keynote speeches, EPALE talks, panel conversations, workshops… There are also national side events in many European countries!

We hope you’ll find your own way, and will be with us on this inspiring journey!

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