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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe




Adult training is one of the priorities of the Erasmus + Program, through EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Education in Europe). There is no doubt that the approach to students has a specialized nature, not only for the students to whom it is directed, but also for the trainers in charge of achieving this objective successfully.
Profile picture for user RTG_juntadeandalucia.


Adult training is one of the priorities of the Erasmus + Program, through EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Education in Europe). There is no doubt that the approach to students has a specialized nature, not only for the students to whom it is directed, but also for the trainers in charge of achieving this objective successfully.

In this sense, poetry is a motivating resource, develops creativity and enhances personal development as a form of expression. In this poem, the author, Francisco Javier Insa García, with a simple poetry, without artifice and directly addresses, indirectly, two fundamental elements in any type of training: illusion and dreams. Elements so necessary, both for trainers and for students.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Eleanor Roosevelt.




I weave my reality

           with a needle

without thread.

         I have noticed

of something:

          I do not know how to knit if it is not

with dreams. *

Poem extracted from "A la luz de mis sombras" Ed. Olélibros. 20th June 2020, Francisco Javier Insa García.

Francisco Javier Insa García was born in Orihuela, but he lives in Murcia (Spain). He is a writer, lawyer, and teacher in the Valencian Community. They also have a degree in Political Science and Administration, a Master's degree in urban planning and a Master's degree in and prevention of occupational risks. Collaborate with various digital media with reviews, poetry, and stories. Author of "A la Luz de mis sombras" Ed. Olélibros. He has been an Erasmus + coordinator for 10 years. He is a trainer of trainers, teaching courses about the Erasmus+ Program and its different actions. In addition, he is an Expert Evaluator of the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) under the Ministry of Education of Spain.


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