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READY4I5 project

READY4I5 helps professionals transition to Industry 4.0/5.0, focusing on sustainability & competitiveness for strategic transformation in enterprises

Profile picture for user kylene31.
Kylene De Angelis
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

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The "Ready4I5:Towards Industry 5.0- challanges good practices and lessons learned from Industry 4.0" project aims to educate people on the importance of transformation towards Industry 4.0/5.0. The knowledge and competences in this field will be necessary for professionals employed in different sectors and industries. People should be aware of the impact the industry has on climate change and now how Industry 4.0 can help reduce this impact. 

The READY4I5 project is timely, as Industry 4.0/5.0 is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses across Europe and beyond. Understanding the strategic advantages of implementing Industry 4.0/5.0 practices, the project seeks to educate individuals on the significance of transitioning towards Industry4.0/5.0. Proficiency in this field will be essential for professionals working in the various sectors and industries. It is important for people to recognize the influence of industry on the environment and how industry 4.0/5.0 can aid in minimizing this impact for a more sustainable future.

The primary objective of the READY4I5 initiative is to raise awareness and stress importance of embarrassing the principles of Industry 4.0 in order to stay competitive. The project is expected to raise awareness and emphasize the importance of incorporating the principles of Industry4.0/5.0. This will assist organizations in gaining a competitive edge. The skills acquired through the project will play a key role in developing transformation plan towards Industry 4.0/5.0.  To achieve this, the project has outlined the following specific objectives:

  1. Creating a transnational project consortium and developing a network for transnational cooperation facilitating the exchange of experiences and know-how among different types of organisations involved in Industry 4.0/5.0 education;
  2. Facilitating the exchange of good practices in the field of industry 4.0/5.0 implementation; 
  3. Helping target groups increase the awareness of Industry 4.0/5.0 and creating more opportunities for professional development by boosting their knowledge and building their skills in the field of Industry 4.0/5.0.

The project consortium consist of: Association for Innovation and Education (Poland-coordinator), Training2000(Italy) and Tartu Vocational Collage (Estonia).

The main activities to be carried out and results to be created are the following ones:

  • Exchange of Good Practices with enterprises in partners countries (Poland, Italy and Estonia) and preparation of executive summaries from case studies and surveys collected among companies and entrepreneurs to help improve the awareness of companies to support the adoption of Industry 4.0/5.0. 
  • Development of a Compendium with interviews, good practices, case study analysis, survey and collected information. The Compendium will represent a final summary of all the project activities, conclusions from the case studies, a bank of exercises to share all the developed project results.The compendium will be a useful tool for enterprises which want to transform into Industry 4.0/5.0.

To discover how to transform your company into a more competitive Industry 4.0/5.0 business. follow the project by clicking here and visit the project page at the Facebook page





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