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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa


Urban Ecology EURECA

Profile picture for user MonikaSm.
Monika Smekalová

Photo: Author Michaela Vachunová

The EURECA project kick off meeting took place in Lisbon, organized by EDU.IN partner, between 6th and 10th of November 2023. With an extensive and intense agenda, representatives of the five partners debated and planned the tasks of different phases of the project, which runs until February 2025.

We also made guided tours to places and equipment’s that are examples of good ecological practices of Lisbon city that was European Green Capital on 2020. The meeting included a colloquium with Portuguese stakeholders and experts, who addressed several urban ecology topics, such as: the circular economy in cities and its relationship with the organization and territory planning; integrated models of sustainable innovation that apply measures of climate mitigation and adaptation, alongside with local development and social equity.

Michaela Vachunová, tranlated from Czech

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